Product Research

At Select, our editorial team is dedicated to delivering genuine, impartial, and high-quality content to our readers. We invest extensive time and effort into researching, testing, and scouring the internet for real user reviews to ensure our readers make informed decisions when shopping for products.

Our expert reviewer panels, consisting of medical professionals like dermatologists, cosmetologists, physiotherapists, as well as industry specialists such as makeup artists, hair stylists, fashion designers, and interior designers, contribute their firsthand experience and expertise to our curation process.

We delve deep into product features, formulations, and durability, focusing on aspects like material, quality, ease of use, and suitability for our diverse audience. Our recommendations span from affordable to high-end options across various categories, ensuring a wide range of choices for our readers.

We maintain strict independence in our product selection process, free from external influence from individuals, brands, or product lines. Our content is regularly updated to reflect the latest offerings, while also removing products that no longer meet our standards or are discontinued.

It’s important to note that while we strive to offer recommendations suitable for most, individual preferences and reactions vary. We encourage readers to conduct patch tests and consult with a physician, especially when trying new products, particularly for specific health conditions.